ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Optimized Blowfish Encryption Technique
The internet plays an important role in day-to-day life. The people can transfer important data through the internet such as Email, banking transaction and online purchase. In order to get secured transaction, network security is essential. Network security is mostly achieved through the use of cryptography. Cryptography refers to the art and science of transforming the message to make them secure and immune to attacks. Different algorithms and protocols are used to protect the data. The efficiency of the algorithm is measured by execution time and throughput. Using of larger key size may affect the efficiency of the algorithm. Blowfish is a symmetric block cipher with a 64 bit block size and variable key length from 32 bits to 448 bits. The Blowfish algorithm keeps two sub key arrays: four Sboxes and single P-box. Focus of this research is to optimize the four S-boxes into two S-boxes in original Blowfish algorithm to increase the speed and examine the effectiveness and limitations of some Block cipher algorithms. The program simulation result provides the better performance as well as security
Christina L , Joe Irudayaraj V S
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