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Research Article Open Access

Optimized Locking and Unlocking a System Using Arduino


Smart Home Automation System playing a major role which helps in reducing a work by using some technologies. The proposed work is to send a signal to door from a Tablet or mobile devices by using wireless system. This allows the user to lock and unlock a door from inside or outside a house with a Wi-Fi range available. The ideal purpose of the work is, if the door is not locked in First floor or in any other floor, the user from ground floor they can open the door or unlock the door from mobile phone or Laptop, which makes a person to reduce its energy or save time. The major components of the system are Latest Arduino Board, Servo Motor and Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b/g/n) standard protocol for wireless communication which combines and forms an activity. The open source Software and Hardware with embedded device is used to give a complete task.

Sedhumadhavan. S, Saraladevi. B

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