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Overcoming the Security Issues in Smart Distribution Grid Using Wireless Communication
In Smart Grid, the communication network plays a significant role. Wired communication adopted to ensure robustness of the backbone for power transmission network but it does not provide any flexibility. Wireless communication for power distribution grid provide more benefits such as low cost, high speed links, easy setup of connections among different devices or appliances and so on. Connecting equipment, devices and appliances through wireless communication is essential for Smart Distribution Grid (SDG). Mounting suitable wireless communication design and its security measures is extremely important for SDG. The Wireless communication design is proposed for SDG on Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs). Its bidirectional communication and electricity flow enable both utilities and customer to monitor, forecast and handle energy usages. Yet, Wireless communication is usually susceptible to security problem. Being compromised by a malicious node is adversary would causes significant damage includes extended power outages and destruction of electrical equipment. It is crucial to security measures for SDG against intrusion of a malicious node to provide the availability of effective communication in SG. Index Terms-Smart Grid (SG), Smart Distribution Grid(SDG), Wireless Communication, Wireless Mesh Network(WMNs).
S.K.Saranya, Dr.R.Karthikeyan
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