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Password less Authentication Using Keystroke Dynamics: A Survey
Biometrics technologies are gaining high popularity today world they provide effectively authentication and verification. Keystroke dynamics is most secure and confidential in today’s scenario. Computer are use in each and every field for store user credential and personal information so its need to make it secure. There are many techniques use in biometrics authentication like Fingerprint Recognition, Face Recognition, Eyes-Iris Recognition, Signature Recognition, and Voice-Speaker Identification. All above techniques are not so much secure and very costly for implementation. Keystroke dynamics allows users to be recognized based on their way of typing on a keyboard. In keystroke dynamics password less authentication mechanism, it would be recognized without typing any specific password to identify legitimate user. This paper tries to review the different keystroke method and also provide keystroke mechanism with existing system helps to improving security.
Jhalak Modi, Hardik G. Upadhyay, Mitesh Thakor
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