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Conference Proceeding Open Access

Past Conference Report


Conference series hosted 14th International Conference on Biosimilars and Pharma Innovations in the month of February 23, 2021, Webinar, supported the theme “Explore the new challenges & Innovation in Biosimilars and Pharma Innovation”. Active participation and generous response were received from the Organizing Committee Members, scientists, researchers, additionally as consultants from Non-government organizations, and students from various teams WHO created this conference joined of the foremost productive and productive events in 2021 from Conference series. We tend to received active participation from scientists, young and good researchers, business delegates, who have driven this event into the trail of success. The conference was initiated with a heat welcome note by Honorable guests and therefore the Keynote forum. The conference proceedings were dispensed through numerous Scientific-sessions and comprehensive lectures, of that the subsequent Speakers were highlighted as Keynote speaker: Cardiovascular and Renal Benefits of SGLT2 Inhibitors (Evidence-Based): Maha A. AlMolaiki , King Abdulaziz Medical City, Saudi Arabia. Conference series has taken the privilege of felicitating World Biosimilars 2021 Organizing Committee, Keynote Speakers WHO supported for the success of this event. Conference series, on behalf of the Organizing Committee congratulates the most effective e-Poster awardees for his or her outstanding performance within the field of Biosimilars and appreciates all the participants WHO place their efforts in poster shows and sincerely desires them success in future endeavours.

Roberto Cannataro