ISSN: 2319-9865

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Case Report Open Access

Patient with Hepatitis B Virus: From Active Acute Into Recovery Phases: A Case Report


A 24-year-old male with no prior history of liver disease was diagnosed as symptomatic active acute HBV infection with HBsA gand HBe Ag positivity with elevated HBVDNA and aminotransferase levels. The patient was followed for 18 months in order to investigate the evolution of his HBV serological profiles, HBV DNA and aminotransferase levels. Subsequently, an 18 month after the initiation of HBV, laboratory tests revealed that HBs Ag was negative, HBs Ab was positive, HBe Ag had decreased with a concomitant increase of HBe Ab, the quantity of HBV DNA was undetectable, and liver function had stabilized. I suggest that HBV-associated antigens and antibodies should be regularly tested.

Hayder Abdul Hussein Maklef Al-Hmudi

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