ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Performance Analysis of Adaptive Canny Edge Detector Using Bilateral Filter
Canny operator has proved as an optimal edge detector due to due to good localization, detection and only one response to single response. However it has some drawbacks. An improved algorithm has proposed by Gao Lie in which bilateral filtering is used that have better edge preserving and noise removing capabilities. For achieving adaptive thresholding OTSU‟s method is used which automatically calculates the appropriate threshold values for a test image. This improved canny operator performs better than traditional canny operator, lower the probability of detecting the false edges and adaptive in nature. In this paper, we analyse the performance of this improved algorithm .We work on mobile images, containing noise, of different resolutions. The results of experiments show that it performs better for high resolution images but fail to find edges for mobile images of low resolution.
Rashmi , Mukesh Kumar, A.K.Jaiswal, Rohini Saxena
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