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Research Article Open Access



The depletion, increasing demand and price of the petroleum prompted extensive research on biodiesel. There were several studies which indicate the significance of research on biodiesel as a substitute fuel to a diesel fuel. It has shown that biodiesel is one of the promising renewable, alternative and environmentally friendly biofuels that can be used in diesel engine with little or no modifications in the engine. The stringent emission laws, depletion of fossil fuels and relation of fuels with government policies have forced to the world to find alternatives to fossil fuels. Numerous vegetable oils enter have been investigated for use in internal combustion engines. The high viscosity and low volatility of these vegetables oils are the major problem for their use in the diesel engines. However use of different biodiesels in an engine results in variability in the engine performance and emission due to physical and chemical characteristics of fuel. The effect of these physio-chemical properties on fuel supply system such as fuel pump and fuel filter have already been reported. In this work an attempt is made to improve the combustion characteristics of the engine fueled with biodiesel. Hence a detailed investigation is carried out on the Underlying combustion and heat release characteristics. The experimental work is conducted on 4stroke, single cylinder, water cooled and Direct Injection stationary diesel engine. In this work bsfc and thermal efficiency are computed, for different in cylinder pressure and peak heat release rate

M.Ravi, Dr.A.Aruna kumari, Dr.K.Vijaya Kumar Reddy

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