ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Performance Assessment of Large Vapor Absorption System
Absorption cooling offers the possibility of using heat to provide cooling. For this purpose heat from a conventional boiler can used or waste heat and solar energy. When the latter systems are used absorption systems minimize also the adverse effects of burning fossil fuels and thus protect the environment. Absorption systems fall into two major categories, depending on the working fluids. These are the ammonia-water systems, in which ammonia is the refrigerant and lithium bromide-water systems in which water vapor is the refrigerant. An attempt has been made in this paper to reveal the thermodynamic analysis of steam fired Water/Li-Br Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System for 30 days. The analysis includes Energy and Second Law Analysis of the system. The second law analysis is based on the concept of exergy, which can be defined as a measure of work potential or quality of different forms of energy relative to the environmental conditions. Exergy analysis applied to a system describes all losses both in the various components of the system and in the whole system. The analysis is drawn for a Vapor Absorption Plant whose cooling load on the evaporator is 1740.96 kW or 496 Ton of refrigeration. The rich solution concentration solution circulation ratio is 58%.
Loveneesh Talwar , Mukesh Padha
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