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Special Issue Article Open Access

Performance Enhancement Using Naodv Algorithm In Manet


Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) is typically characterized by high mobility and frequent link failures. As a result, normal routing algorithms route creation have to make frequent route discoveries resulting in decreased throughput, high end to- end delay and packet losses so as to improve them, we propose routing algorithms for increasing performance. Here we develop the new routing algorithm with the help of nanotechnology, The ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) integrated with nanotechnology which make use of nanomachines and infosation to improve the performance. The Nanotechnology consists of nanomachines, they are assumed to sense the environment and gather some environmental information to deliver infostations. The Info stations collect the information coming from nanomachines, infostations are assumed to make decision for an appropriate action in routing through AODV routing tables and it also act as a buffer in storing the data packets. NAODV performs in routing protocol increasing the throughput, routing protocol performance and then to reduce the delay, and reduce the packet delay of this network. Using the TN (Transmitter Nano) and RN (Receiver Nano) sending and receiving data process on these network. Nano–Aodv (NAODV) process to be mainly focused on the better throughput performance compare with Aodv routing protocol.

Julian.P, Smiline Arokya Pradeepa.J

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