ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Performance Evaluation of Laboratory Scale RBC to Treat Wastewater from Hostels
Abstract—In different parts of India, most wastewaters from small communities like institute hostels, private hostels, small colonies, etc. having lesser hydraulic loading and may or may not contain high organic content, are directly disposed of into the surface or subsurface water bodies without any treatment. Thereby, it becomes the prime cause of many nuisances such as waterborne epidemic which may toll many lives, eutrophication, hardness of water, acidity of water, etc., to the downstream dwellers. Therefore, an attempt has been made in this paper to design a laboratory scale Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) to treat these water before being disposed of into the surface or subsurface water bodies. In order to evaluate the performance of the designed RBC, sewage effluent from hostels of NERIST (North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology), Arunachal Pradesh) has been used as an standard sewage, An attempt has also been taken for development of economical self-sustaining of RBC, in which the inflow of sewage itself could be used in rotating the discs, thereby, replacing the electricity driven rotor such as electric motor, thus may save the expenses related to power supply.
Jacklin J. Nilling, Manabjyoti Deka ,Sanjeev Prasad, Sony Tungi, Ajay Bharti
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