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Research Article Open Access

Performance Evolution of XML Data Searching by Using Fuzzy Type a head Search


In today’s keyword based search system over Xml data, user write a query, submit it to the system and getting optimal results. If users has short knowledge about the data when writing queries, and has to use a try and find approach for finding relevant information. This paper related of survey of fuzzy type-ahead search over XML data that is a new data access paradigm in which the system search XML data on the fly a user type in query keyword for accessing the relevant document . The XML model capture more semantic information and navigates into document and display more accurate information. The keyword based search is different method to search in XML data, which is easy to use, user doesn’t need to know about the XML data and query language. Our survey paper focuses on techniques based on keyword search to retrieve top-k answers. The other way top-k algorithm is achieve high result quality and search efficiency and interactive ranking method, The easy algorithm termination techniques for identifying top-k results and effective index structures.

Laxman Dethe, Prof. R. M. Goudar, Prof. Sunita Barve

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