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Case Report Open Access

Per-Vaginal Delivery of a Schistosomus reflexus Monster Fetus Due to Dystocia in a Friesian Cross Bred Cow-A Case Report


Dystocia due to maternal and fetal complications are observed during the periparturient period is not uncommon, but difficulty due to teratological defective fetus and its successful per vaginal delivery after performing obstetrical mutation is given in this case study. A Friesian cow in its third calving or around five years old was referred with the history of difficulty in calving and suspected for a tear in the genitalia with the intestines protruding out through vulva. Fetal anomalies affecting the trunk causing dystocia is not uncommon, this congenital anomalous fetus with the strong ventral curvature and angulations of the spinal cord was confirmed by vaginal examination and on deciding the internal pelvimetry and sufficient space in the dam it was decided to cast the dam on a hind quarter elevator. After giving the epidural anesthesia to the dam and infusing enough vaginal lubricants, obstetrical mutation was performed to correct the transverse ventral presentation into the anterior presentation with dorsosacral position. By giving traction and forced extraction and securing the ankylosed limbs, the anomalous fetus named “Schistosomus reflexus” fetus was delivered. The cow was successfully managed without any tear in the genitalia and sent with uneventful recovery following ecbolics, antibiotics and supporting fluid therapy for the subsequent three days.

Ezakial Napolean R , Palanisamy M, Ravikumar K, Prakash S, Manoharan S, Senthilkumar K, Selvaraju M and Vikramachakravarthy P

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