ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Photometric Based Sensor for Fat Detection in Fresh Milk
In recent years there is a substantial increase in milk production in India. The method described in this paper helped to make information symmetric in the market, thereby minimizing problems of adverse selection and tedious work. It is only recently that automation has been introduced into agriculture. Embedded Technology is now in its prime and the amount of knowledge available is mind-blowing. An embedded system can be defined as a control system or computer system designed to perform a specific task. Embedded systems are playing important roles in our lives every day, even though they might not be visible. This paper describes one of the applications of embedded system MILKOTESTER. It is Small compact, embedded in a single unit, requires less power and measures milk parameters like SNF (Solid but Not FAT), FAT, CLR, with less cost.
Kejal Shah, Rajeshri Kelkar, Amruta Sarda, M.S.Chavan
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