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Review Article Open Access

Piezosurgery in Dentistry: A Versatile Tool In Bone Management.


Piezoelectric surgery applied to bone, also known as the Piezosurgery® technique, is a new option for osteotomies and ostectomies, using an ultrasound device. This device produces specific ultrasound frequency (25-29 kHz), and has been designed to secure increased precision in application to bone surgery. This instrument produces selective sectioning of the mineralized bone structures causing less intra- and postoperative bleeding. The principle of piezosurgery is ultrasonic transduction, obtained by piezoelectric ceramic contraction and expansion. Furthermore, with piezoelectric surgery it has been possible to perform precise osteotomy lines, micrometric and curvilinear with absolute confidence, particularly in close proximity to the vessels and nerves and other important facial structures. This new ultrasound cutting method will, no doubt, in the future, be increasingly used in oral surgery, particularly with improvements in power and geometry of the inserts, with possible applications also in neurosurgery, paediatric surgery and orthopedics, branches in which a selective action upon the mineralized tissues is of fundamental importance.

Anuroopa P, Kishan Panicker G, Nalini MS, and Bipin Chandra Reddy

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