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Research Article Open Access

Power Fluctuation of the Large Scale Wind Farm is controlled Using Energy Storage Application


This paper proposes an application of battery energy storage system to compensate the power fluctuation of the large scale wind farm. Wind farm are having unstable output because the nature of wind is not constant, so we are having some problems like power fluctuation to control the power fluctuation we are going for energy storage device. The power fluctuation caused by the nature of wind form cause uncontrollable output characteristic may create voltage problem for electrical system. To solve those problems, we are going for the application of the large-capacity battery energy storage system (BESS).By using battery energy storage system we are having charging rates and discharging rates, charging rates is called state of charging and discharging rates is called state of discharging, by means of charging the excess power from wind farm is stored by means of discharging power from battery is given to grid for the purpose of compensation of power fluctuation. Hence by using battery as compensation of power we can able to control power fluctuation and we can get the optimal power and also uninterrupted power supply.

B. Neelamegan, A.Ezhil Mathy, M.Shanmugam,B.Thulasibrindha

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