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Review Article Open Access

Power of Ancient Ayurvedic Plants in Treating Periodontal Infections an Holistic Approach - A Review


Oral diseases are one of the foremost necessary issues in developing countries, as public health demands are on the increase. Ayurveda is one such ancient Indian system of health-care and longevity. A number of plants are known to significantly delay the development of plaque, calculus, and caries as shown by many in vitro studies which indicate that many Asian botanical formulae exhibit antibacterial and antifungal properties that include their individual herbal compounds and chemical constituents. Despite many chemical agents being commercially accessible and known to alter oral accumulation they will have undesirable side-effects to some extent. Use of safe, quality products and practices should be ensured based on available evidence the traditional medicine has to be acknowledged. Hence publicity of Ayurvedic plants would benefit the general population, they by preventing tooth decay and Gum infections leading eventually to tooth loss with the use of appropriate methods.

Sanjeevini A Hattarki, Vibha R Hegde and Pushpa SP

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