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Research Article Open Access

Power System Voltage Stability: Indications, Allocations and Voltage Collapse Predictions


Voltage collapse has been recognized as a series threat in power system stability and operation. Fast and accurate indications and allocations of voltage stability in power systems are a challenging task to accomplish. Voltage violations and undesirable line outages might be inevitable when power systems operated close to its transmission capacity limits. Unexpected load increases or insufficient reactive power supply may contribute to partial or total voltage collapse threatening system security. The ability to draw a clear and complete picture of system voltage stability with accurate indications and precise voltage collapse allocations allow operators to take the necessary action to prevent such incidents. A successful avoidance of such system collapse is based on method’s accuracy, speed of indication, and very low computation time. This paper presents a new approach of studying voltage stability in power systems at which voltage stability in transmission lines and system buses are carefully analysed based on their V-Q and V-P relationships. Four indices are proposed; two for voltage stability analysis at system buses designated as VPIbus and VQIbus studying the dynamics of loads and generators while VPILine and VQILine are for line voltage stability analysis studying transmission lines stress and outages. Voltage collapse is precisely predicted by the proposed indices for the system as a whole and for every bus and line. These developed indices are simple, fast, and accurate proving a clear and complete picture of power flow dynamics indicating maximum active and reactive power transfers through transmission systems. The proposed approach was demonstrated on the IEEE 14-bus and 118-bus systems and compared with existing methods to show its effectiveness and efficiency.

F.A. Althowibi ,M.W. Mustafa

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