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Research Article Open Access

Prepaid Power Billing Using Adaptive Meter


The billing process of electricity consumption which we are using at present is very long process and requires lot of man power. The energy billing in India is error prone. Going to each and every consumer’s house and generating the bill is a laborious task and requires lot of time. Errors get introduced at every stage of energy billing like errors with electro-mechanical meters, human errors while noting down the meter reading and error while processing the paid bills and the due bills. There are many cases where the bill is paid and then is shown as a due amount in the next bill. There is no proper way to know the consumer's maximum demand, usage details, losses in the lines and power theft. If any consumer did not pay the bill, the operator needs to go to their houses to disconnect the power supply. These processes are repetitive and take so much time. For overcoming all the difficulties present in the system we are introducing fully automated billing system i.e. “Prepaid Power Billing Using Adaptive Meter”. In this paper, electronic energy meter is replaced by Adaptive meter which includes both metering of the power consumed and prepaid system. In the proposed system, front end is user friendly. The billing process is prepaid energy billing, which could be titled; Pay first and then use it. The power consumption is not constant throughout the day; it is more during peak times and less during night times. This system also implements an automated system which can charge different amounts for power consumption during different times. The prepaid system is designed with a smart technology using “renesas controller” and the recharging process is by some method of communication i.e. the GSM based recharging. The recharging can be done from any remote place without accessing the energy meter physically.

Santhosh Raikar .M, Sushma S Majigoudar , Rithushree K, Rohith R V, Venkatesh K R

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