ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Preserving User’s Profile Protection for Personalized Web Search
Internet of things is in its peak in today’s world. The web search is the widely performing task in the internet world. When the query is searched over web should provide the relevant information to the users. The irrelevant results may annoy the users and hence the efficiency of the query search should be improved. To improve the search, personalized web search framework is proposed to retrieve the data based on user’s interest. When the information is retrieved based on user’s interest, user’s profile will be publicly available. In this paper, the User’s profile is also protected to handle privacy threats using generalization technique with Greedy Discriminating Power and Greedy Info Loss algorithm. The efficiency of search is improved by transferring the query with user’s profile to the web server to retrieve the results. If the results are not satisfied to the user then the re-ranking technique is proposed to retrieve the most relevant search results.
Nivi A.N , Vanitha S , Saranya K.R , Sivaranjani B , Kavitha S
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