E- ISSN: 2320 - 3528
P- ISSN: 2347 - 2286
Prevalence of Alpha Thalassemia Type II in Gond Tribe of Shahdol District of Madhya Pradesh, India
Haemoglobinopathies are the disorder of hemoglobin and are the commonest gene disorder in the world. The report of WHO 2001, estimate that approximate 250 million people are heterozygous for these disorder and 2000 affected homozygous are born annually which is equally distributed between sickle cell diseases and thalassemia. In India the main form of the Haemoglobinopathies are Sickle cell Anaemia, Thalassemia, Haemoglobin E and Haemoglobin D. In Thalassemia, ß Thalassemia is very common in almost all population group of India. Alpha Thalassemia is less investigated in India which is mainly caused by point mutation, but a few study suggested the prevalence of α thalassemia type II in tribal population of Indian subcontinent. About 75 persons belonging to Gond Tribe of Shahdol District of Madhya Pradesh in Central India were investigated for abnormal CBC profile, Haemoglobinopathies, α Thalassemia and ß Thalassemia. The method used for the study is Polymerase Chain Reaction. Sickle Cell Anaemia is the only abnormal haemoglobinopathy in the Tribe with the prevalence rate of 17%. ß Thalassemia was also low with the prevalence rate of 4%. α Thalassemia type II was very common i.e. 43% with mostly right ward deletion i.e., α3.7 kb deletion. The heterozygosity of alpha thalassemia type II reduced the haematological parameter slightly. Most of the 62% population was anaemic which was more pronounced among adults female and children, most of the people were mildly anaemic, but a sizeable proportion of adult female and children were moderately to severely anaemic.
Shweta Dubey, Sonal Pathak, Ruchi Upadhyay, Sanchita Chaturvedi and RC Rajak
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