ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Prevention Model For Phishing Attacks In Web Applications Using Linkguard Algorithm
Phishing is a form of acquiring sensitive information illegally in network attack such as Banking, User names, Passwords, Credit card details and so on from users. Attackers use a combination of website spoofing and social engineering to trick a user into revealing confidential information. As the present technologies improving better, the users behind phishing scams also become more devious. Phishing attacks mostly appear as spoofed emails appearing as legitimate ones which make the users to believe and divulge into them by clicking their links provided in emails. This paper presents how to avoid the phishing scams, how it is attacked. We intend a new end-user based on anti-phishing algorithm which we call “Link Guard” algorithm. Link Guard can detect not only notorious but also unfamiliar phishing attacks. We had implemented Link Guard in windows XP. Our experiment verified that Link Guard is effective in detecting and preventing attacks.This paper uses java technologies and Oracle XE.
A.Sarannia, U.R.Padma
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