e-ISSN No.:2581-3897
Prevention of Mastitis in Cattle During Dry Period Using Herbal Formulation
Recent studies indicated that the bacterial infections persist during the dry period and are responsible for clinical mastitis in the subsequent lactation. Dry cow therapy generally in managing existing infection and in preventing new infection during the dry period. It involves in use of intra-mammary antibiotics. The Ethno-veterinary formulation consisting of Aloe vera, Curcuma longa and Calcium hydroxide is effective in prevention of mastitis during the dry period under field conditions in comparison with regular antibiotics therapy. The study indicated that the natural plant based formulation helped to contain the microbial infection of the udder better than the control. The pH of the milk during dry period and early lactation found to be normal. Somatic Cell Count (SCC) is higher in the control group on the day of complete drying, day of calving and 5th day of calving.
Kumar SK, Deepa PM, Punnimurthy N, Nair MNB
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