Primary Aneurysmal Bone Cyst of the Ilium in a Pediatric Patient: Case Report and Review of the Literature
This article presents the case of a 10 year old male patient who began experiencing pain in the region of the left hip causing claudication. Because the pain continued without improvement, pelvic X-rays were obtained in different projections; these revealed a multilobed osteolytic lesion in the area of the ilium, and MRI showed a hyperintense multilobed image filled with liquid. Based on these results, a decision was made for surgical treatment. Excisional biopsy of the lesion was performed with curettage and placement of a bone graft. To date, no tumor recurrence has been reported. Although the existence of aneurysmal bone cysts has been known for several years, these tumors have not yet been defined properly from a histopathological point of view nor has a consensus been reached on the best methods for diagnosis and treatment. For this reason, various surgical techniques have been developed with their respective indications, contraindications and complications for the management of these lesions. It is of utmost importance that the orthopedic surgeons evaluate the patient thoroughly and, based on the characteristics of the tumor, have available the necessary tools for making decisions on what treatment is indicated in that particular patient. The presence of an aneurysmal bone cyst should be suspected in every patient with bone pain and suggestive images, especially in the pediatric population, to permit proper diagnosis and provide correct treatment with the aim of reducing complications and disease recurrence
Roberto Berebichez-Fridman, Pablo Rodrigo Montero Olvera*, Enrique Berebichez Fastlicht
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