ISSN: 2319-9865
Primary Malignant Melanoma of the Penis - A Case Report with Review of the Literature
Primary malignant melanoma of the penis is a rare condition, and about 200 cases of melanoma have been reported in the literature till today since it was first reported in 1859. Here we report a case of malignant melanoma of the penis in a 50 year old male who presented with a pigmented ulcero-proliferative growth on the glans penis with bilateral massive ilio-inguinal lymphadenopathy. The patient underwent fine needle aspiration of the ilio-inguinal lymphnodes and an incisional biopsyof the penile lesion which was suggestive of malignant melanoma with metastatic deposits in the ilio-inguinal lymphnodes. A case of malignant melanoma of penis is presented due to the rarity of the occurrence of malignant melanoma at this site and its dismal prognosis, and to emphasize the importance of its early diagnosis.
SV Kumar, K Janardhana Rao, KV Ram Prasad, and Bhagya Lakshmi Atla
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