ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Privacy-Preserving and Content-Protecting Location Based Queries
This paper presents a solution to one of the location-based query problems. This problem is defined as follows: (i) a user wants to query a database of location data, known as Points Of Interest (POI), and does not want to reveal his/her location to the server due to privacy concerns; (ii) the owner of the location data, that is, the location server, does not want to simply distribute its data to all users. The location server desires to have some control over its data, since the data is its asset.A location based query solution that employs two protocols that enables a user to privately determine and acquire location data. The first step is for a user to privately determine his/her location using oblivious transfer on a public grid. Oblivious Transfer used to achieve a more secure solution for both parties.The second step involves a private information retrieval interaction that retrieves the record with high communication efficiency. The solution which is present is efficient and practical in many scenarios. This paper includes the results of a working prototype to illustrate the efficiency of our protocol.
Anandababu A, S.Brintha Rajakumari Dr.C.Nalini
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