ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Product and Process Improvement Using Simulation Based Value Stream Mapping: An Case Study
Implementation of lean principles like six sigma level of production in Indian pump manufacturing industry faces various roadblocks which makes them losing market share to the low cost Chinese pump imports. The only way to survive in market for Indian pump manufactures is to reduce the cost of pump and also increase the quality value of the pump, which can be done by reducing cost of production and profit margins. This project aims in reducing total cost of production of Indian pump manufacturing companies by introducing latest technologies of manufacturing in the Indian context of Pump industries. This project mainly aims in reducing the cost of production of centrifugal pump to a tune of about 20% of the existing cost of production. This project utilizes the lean principles like Kanban system and process optimization techniques like process remodeling and line balancing using computational methods by Arena software to achieve the above said cost reduction methodology. This project also try to eliminate or reduce the impact of Non value added (NVA) activity by using time-Motion study conducted in shop floor of an industry using “gemba” way of time –Motion chart preparation on the assembly line and using timer pro software to access and assist in optimization of division of work between multi workers of the pump assembly, where by the effective operator utilization rate is increased which results in creating more value added benefits to the pump manufacturing apart from cost reduction alone.
Prabhu C ,Aravindha balaji S
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