ISSN: 2320-0189
Production of Apple Mosaic Virus–Free Pear and Rosa damascena Plants Through Tissue Culture
Effect of chemical agents Virazole (Ribavirin) levels, on Rosa damascena and Pyrus communis production were investigated in this study. The results concluded that, 25% Chlorox reduced the contamination to a minimum value and gave highest survival percentage of pear and rose growth. The best results of the callus growth and shoot length of the rose cultivar were recorded with the addition of 3.0 or 4.0 mg/l BA and 2.0 mg/l IAA. The interaction effect revealed that growing the explant of pear explant in MS medium containing 1.0 mg/l BA+1 or 2 mg/l IAA gave the longest shoots (0.92 cm and 0.66 cm). Data also recorded that the concentration of ribavirin (20-100 mg/l) was effective in eliminating ApMV, while (10-100 mg/l) was not successful in eliminating ApMV from Rosa or pear.
El-Sharnouby ME*, Khattab Eman AH, Saqer S Alotaibi and Haya Mohammed MA
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