ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Production of Solar Energy Using Nanosemiconductors
Solar energy is a well known form of non-conventional and renewable energy. Though sun’s light energy is available in plenty, but still it is not widely used because of its drawbacks namely: a) High cost of production involved in the production of solar cells, b) Most of the photons (particles of light) are left unabsorbed due to mismatch between the energy of photons and energy of semiconductor material c) loss of photogenerated electrons due to recombination with holes of p doped material. By Nanotechnological approaches we can replace conventional solar cells by multijunction solar cells made of different semiconducting materials and using different methods for synthesis of cells & by the use of nanoscale heterojunctions we can reduce the thickness of solar cells and thus increase the surface area to volume ratio. As the amount of raw material is lowered, thus cost of production is reduced. Efficiency also increases as the cell absorbs photons of different energies. Thus these nanosolar cells can be easily painted on the roofs of buildings, buses, cars etc. to trap the solar energy
Kiruthika S , Dinesh Kumar M, Surendar.A
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