E- ISSN: 2320 - 3528
P- ISSN: 2347 - 2286
Production of Wine from Daucus Carota and Standardizing the Method of Carota Wine Waking
Carrots are rich sources of vitamins and minerals and it has its applications in many diseases but they are seasonal crops and many carrots are wasted as it has high moisture content and it is used as early as possible to overcome this problems and increase its consumption, carrot wines are made which require less sugar concentration and due to its natural sweetness we can prepare carrot wine. In this present work 5 different varieties of carrots are collected from Maharashtra-Karnataka region and juice was extracted by them using curtained defined procedures and 22Brix of sugar concentration is maintained along with 4.5 pH which is a favourable environment for wine production among 5 different types of carrots [1-5]. Chantenay variety showed highest production of alcohol with 8.5% of alcohol production with decrease in sugar concentration by sensory evaluation Chantenay variety has been accepted. Hence Chantenay variety is found to be a good source for wine production.
Ananda Sindhe, Mangal Murthi, Ajay Kattimani
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