ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
This paper reveals the application of line balancing to improve the productivity of component under consideration. The company was facing problem for delivering the flywheel housing after increase in demand from their customer. The past data of component manufacturing process, resources required, work in process inventory and raw material inventory data was collected. When analysed the past data, constraints were observed on two machines in the production line which were needed to be focused. Eliminating the bottlenecks on these resources was the solution to cope up with the increased demand and also to minimize the raw material inventory as well as work in process inventory. The concepts described in Line Balancingwere applied to overcome the bottlenecks. The results obtained were at satisfactory level. The actual performance against the targeted level was measured and observed that productivity improved with considerable reduction in work in process as well as raw material inventories.
Shamuvel VPandit, Sunil J Kadam, Avinash Kharat, Chetan U Nayakawade
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