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Protected Data Reserve over Cloud
Cloud-based outsourced storage relieves the client's burden for storage management and maintenance by providing a comparably low-cost, scalable, location-independent platform. However, the fact that clients no longer have physical possession of data indicates that they are facing a potentially formidable risk for missing or corrupted data. To avoid the security risks, audit services are critical to ensure the integrity and availability of outsourced data and to achieve digital forensics and credibility on cloud computing. Provable data possession (PDP), which is a cryptographic technique for verifying the integrity of data without retrieving it at an un-trusted server, can be used to realize audit services. Cloud computing has been emerged solution to the rising storage costs of IT industry With the high costs of data storage devices as well as the rapid rate at which the data begins generated it proves costly for enterprises or individual users to frequently update their hardware Apart from reduction in storage cost the user’s data to large data centres, which are remotely located, on which user does not have any control.
R.S.Thakur, Ashwini Palghamol, Devashri Gaikwad, Gunjan Rakhunde
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