ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Protection Of User’s Data Using Image Encryption
Domain: Image Encryption
In recent area of research maintain the secrecy and confidentiality of images is a vital role, with two different approaches being followed, the first approach is being encrypt the images through encryption algorithms (RSA or DES) using keys, the second approach involves dividing the image into random shares to maintain the secret of image. Unfortunately intense computation cost and key management limit the service of the first approach and the poor quality of the recovered image from the random shares limit the applications of the second approach. In this paper we propose a narrative approach without the use of encryption keys. The new proposal employs Sieving, Division and Shuffling (SDS) to generate the random shares and also overcome the above two approach with minimal computation and the unique secret image can be recovered from the random shares with high quality.
Balamurugan.S, S.Sureshkumar
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