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Case Report Open Access

Pyogenic Granuloma- A Case Report


Pyogenic Granuloma (also known as “Granuloma gravidarum” and “Pregnancy tumor”) is a primarily oral disease which appears in the mouth as an overgrowth of tissue due to irritation, physical trauma or hormonal factors. Clinically these lesions usually present as single nodule or sessile papule with smooth or lobulated surface. These may be seen in any size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. It predominantly occurs in the second decade of life in young females, possibly because of the vascular effects of female hormones. Because of the high frequency of pyogenic granuloma in the oral cavity, this case report presents a case of pyogenic granuloma in pregnant female, discussing its clinical and histopathological features that distinguish this lesion from other similar oral mucosal lesions and also successful management of the lesion.

Dr. Sanjeet Gill, Dr. Deepika Bali, Dr. Swati Uppal

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