Reasons of Women for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections
Objective: To recognize the reasons that lead to the process of accession of women to the treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted infections. Materials and methods: It is an exploratory research with a qualitative approach carried out with 20 participants in a city in the northeast of Brazil. Data were collected by means of semistructured interviews with thematic content analysis. Results and Discussion: From the establishment of the corpus and analysis of the content it was possible to identify meaning cores that were described in two categories: Treatment and Prevention: strengths and weaknesses; and Knowledge and reasons for prevention and treatment. Final considerations: There was identified the reasons and weaknesses for women performing the treatment and prevention of STI’s, which are: the need to overcome and test their own limits are indicated as reasons for accession to treatment and the inability to impose themselves against their partner is flagged as a fragility to access preventive measures. There was identified, yet, that women indicate certain dissatisfaction with the knowledge they have and realize that they need more information
Luana Cristina Melo de Oliveira1, Isaura Leticia Tavares Palmeira Rolim1, Geysa Santos Gois Lopes1*, Eliana Brugin Serra1, Maria do Carmo Rodrigues Araujo1, Regina Maria Abreu Mota1, Aurean D’Eca Junior1, Poliana Pereira Costa Rabelo1, Cindy Reboucas Palmeira2, Emilia Soares Chaves Rouberte3, Sara Maria Ferreira de Sousa4
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