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Recital Investigation of IPv4 & IPv6 using Wi- Fi networks
Internet today has become a boon for the society. As the technology advances, and considering the needs of the growing users of Internet each day, Internet Protocol has become one of the major concerns. Recent survey by the members of IETF, the alarming bells of the soon extinction of IPv4 addresses is heard. IPv4 address space is expected to run out soon. We all know that Central Allocation Authority has provided the last block of IP addresses in February 2011. And in the year 2013, the fact that we come across is that “71 percent of the world is not yet connected to the Internet.” With the depletion of IPv4, Internet is left with no option other than IPv6. IPv6 is simply the upgraded version of IPv4, and makes all the attempts to overcome the drawback of the previous 4 version of Internet Protocol. Today we need an end to end more pervasive connectivity. And the fact is “We Are Not Paying Attention to This.” At one end we are at the dawn of revolution of Internet able connected devices. And this is also true, “We want always to be connected.” We want to have multiple personas on this connected Infrastructure. For instance, cloud infrastructure which is always running and always connected. Keeping this in mind, I am writing this research paper based on the experiments performed till now to implement and deploy IPv6 in different sectors, thereby discussing its major impact and issues faced while transitioning from IPv4 to IPv6.
Sapan Gupta, Savita Shiwani
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