ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Redundant Data Filtering in WSN and RFID Network Integration
The integration of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an emerging technology which utilizes identified advantages of both systems making it more efficient and reliable. The Hybrid network formed by integration of WSN and RFID systems provide excellent infrastructure to process, acquire and distribute data in decentralized dynamic environments. The integrated network involves various challenges among which redundant data is critical as it is coupled with time delay and energy consumption which results in waste of various network resources. In this paper redundant data issue is taken into consideration and it is eliminated further to improvise the performance of the Hybrid network. Redundant data cleaning is discussed in detail along with its effects on system. An algorithm is proposed to overcome redundant data problem which performs efficient redundant data filtration. Proposed algorithm is compared with previous available technique. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm reduces data redundancy maintaining the integrity of original data.
Ashwini W. Nagpurkar , Siddhant K. Jaiswal
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