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Research Article Open Access

Reliability Investigation of Series-Parallel and Components of Power System using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Set Theory


Fuzzy set based methods have been proved to be effective in handling many types of uncertainties in different fields, including reliability engineering. This paper presents a new approach on fuzzy type-2 reliability, based on the use of type-2 FOU as membership function. Considering experts ideas and by asking operators linguistic variables, a rule base is designed to determine the level of reliability of each component. The outputs of the presented model are type-2 fuzzy sets representing the reliability levels of components. After determining the level of reliability of each component, the reliability of the composed system can be determined by using t-norm and s-norm functions. The system can be parallel, series, parallel- series or series-parallel. In the present paper the probabilistic consideration of basic events is replaced by possibilities, thereby leading to fuzzy fault tree analysis. Triangular and trapezoidal type-2 fuzzy numbers are used to represent the failure possibility of basic events. The failure possibility of a basic event will be assigned more than one type-2 fuzzy numbers by different experts under various operating conditions. The proposed techniques are discussed and illustrated by taking an example of a Thermal power plant

Sharma Anurag, Jha Manoj, Qureshi M.F

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