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Reprints and E-prints Announcement


We are pleased to announce that, due to the dedicated contributions of our journal team, as well as the editors' ongoing support and the participation of reviewers and writers, we are now able to publish regular monthly issues on the journal's website. Not only we are confined to digital issue release but also, we have provided numerous reprints (hardcopy/printed copy of the manuscript) of the particular articles/issues/volumes to the authors as per their requirement. Woefully, due to the pandemic situation and consequently lockdown, we were unable to provide reprints to the authors as the transportation facility was restricted. Now, it is of immense pleasure to know that everything is going to be resuming and reschedule like before and we can continue our services without any further barriers. Research & Reviews: Journal of statistics and mathematical science is providing reprints of article(s), issue(s), volume(s) and customized reprints (printed copy of the selected articles from different issues/volumes as per the authors’ requirement. Especially for the articles gaining high point citations we provide the reprints of the article freebie. As an add-on service, we feel delighted to provide you with the newly initiated E-Print service wherein you can use it for printing and distribution purposes at reasonable cost. E-Print (Electronic prints) are encrypted, electronic copies of your manuscript in PDF format. One can get E-prints of article(s), issue(s), and volume(s) as well as customized E-prints (in which all the selected articles from different   issues/volumes are compiled in the same PDF). We would request you to opt for the service and you would not regret it. Similarly, we are also offering E-Print service for the entire issue as well as volume. Please write to us on below mentioned mailing address for your queries or to avail more information about the same. Moreover, we would like to appeal the editors, reviewers and authors to send us your valuable feedback and suggestions regarding the service. Your responses will be very useful to upgrade the journal assets as well as journal amenities. Journal of statistics and mathematical science is working on monthly issue release and with the team efforts we are able to complete all the issue release within time. Similarly, we are working on reprints and E-prints that will be provided within 2 weeks. For further details contact us on:   

Jennifer G 

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