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Review Article Open Access

Research Progress of Artificial Intelligence Technology in COVID-19


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose a grave danger to both human lives and the broader functioning of society. In response, healthcare organizations have increasingly turned to the powerful tools of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to tackle the complex challenges posed by the virus. In light of the overwhelming burden placed on the healthcare system during the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers have developed a broad range of AI algorithms and models to aid in clinical diagnosis, epidemic prediction, and clinical treatment. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in AI research in COVID-19, covering four key areas: auxiliary diagnosis and screening, auxiliary clinical therapy, prediction of disease severity and patient prognosis, and epidemic trend prediction. The ultimate aim of this study is to serve as a valuable resource for managing epidemics and informing effective prevention and treatment strategies for future outbreaks.

Jijin Yang1,Yan Liang1, Xiaohua Wang2*

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