Revealing High Fidelity of Nanomolding Process by Extracting the Information from AFM Image with Systematic Artifacts
A contact mode atomic force microscopic (c-AFM) study has been carried out to realize the high fidelity of a nanomolding process where nanostructures fabricated on a silicon master are replicated onto an aluminum surface. The AFM images of the nanostructures show systematic artifacts due to the finite size of the AFM tip and thus set a limitation to the estimation in the fidelity of the nanomolding process. The quantitative analysis presented in this letter enables to extract the parameters necessary to reveal the high fidelity of the nanomolding process while the real width and the depth of the nanostructures are still unknown. This work provides a direction to the researches in the field of atomic force microscopy of nanostructures to analyze the data accurately in presence of systematic artifacts.
Sajal Biring
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