ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)

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Image enhancement is a processing on an image in order to make it more appropriate for certain applications. It is used to improve the visual effects and the clarity of image or to make the original image more conducive for computer to process. Contrast enhancement changing the pixels intensity of the input image to utilize maximum possible bins. We need to study and review the different image contrast enhancement techniques because contrast losses the brightness in enhancement of image. By considering this fact, the mixture of global and local contrast enhancement techniques may enhance the contrast of image with preserving its brightness. There are many image contrast enhancement techniques such as HE, BBHE, DSIHE, MMBEBHE, RMSHE, MHE. BPDHE, RSWHE, GHE, LHE and LGCS. This paper focuses on the comparative study of contrast enhancement techniques with special reference to local and global enhancement techniques. Also proposed solution is identified to apply to this enhancement technique. This novel method will use in many fields, such as medical image analysis, remote sensing, HDTV, hyper spectral image processing, industrial X-ray image processing, microscopic imaging etc.

Vijay A. Kotkar , Sanjay S. Gharde

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