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Review on DRINA: A Lightweight and Reliable Routing Approach for In-Network Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
A wireless sensor network is a collection of distributed nodes to monitor physical or environmental conditions like sound, temperature at different locations as well as to pass their data through network to a sink node. Sensor nodes in wireless sensor network are nearly located and communicating with each other through routing. Data routing takes place in non-aggregated manner should consume more energy in wireless sensor network. Energy conservation is the major issue in wireless sensor network. To save this energy consumption, data aggregation can be effective in routing. This data aggregation is used for increasing data accuracy, eliminating data redundancy, reducing communication load along with saving energy consumption. In network aggregation along with lightweight reliable routing scheme can be invoked to schematize & increase the probability of occurrence of security & reliable communication in & around network.
Harshada Bhosale, Shubham JoshiTo read the full article Download Full Article | Visit Full Article