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Review on Intelligent Traffic Management System Based on VANET
The reason behind to choose this topic is to make awareness in everyone and also fruitful for future point of scope. As we know that the vehicle population increases daily this leads towards the accidents. So to overcome this issue VANET [Vehicular Ad Hoc Network] has come with lot of ideas such as vehicular communication, traffic controlling, Navigation and other application in VANET. In this paper we are focusing on accident prevention and traffic signal control for ambulance, police van, and normal vehicles too. To overcome this we have implemented a highway model, intersection model that manages vehicle mobility and shows the actual communication between vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and vehicle to infrastructure (V2I). In this paper we are going to through some light on the pervious researchers done in the area and will compare various drawbacks of these researches.
Nikhil Suresh Kshirsagar, U. S. Sutar
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