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Review on Significance Research on Enhancing the Quality of the Brain Image Using Neuro-Fuzzy System
Computed tomography (CT) is the technique that uses X-ray equipment to produce detailed images of section inside the animal or human body. CT scanning is very beneficial for detecting the diseases like cancers, tumors in human body. But noise and Blur are the major factors that degrade the quality of CT images and makes difficult to diagnose. Reconstructing the CT images is the way to overcome these problems. This paper presents the study of various techniques that are suitable to reconstruct the CT images, along with the performance evaluation of various techniques. This survey mainly focuses on most prominent techniques like filtering technique (discrete wavelets, complex wavelets, and median filter), artificial neural network approach for image reconstruction and Median filtering technique, also discussed other denoising and deblurring techniques. The aim of this survey is to provide useful information on various deblurring and denoising techniques and to motivate research to implement the effective algorithm.
Somashekhar Swamy, P.K.Kulkarni
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