ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
All bacteria and archea (with few exceptions) have an outermost covering of ‘Surface’ layer proteins which is having unique property of recrystallization or self assembly in suspension, in air-liquid or liquid-solid interphase and having uniform pore size (2-8nm). These proteins are having many functions on bacterial surfaces like adsorption of exoenzymes and protection of cell. The unique properties of S layer proteins viz. uniform pore size, weak non covalent interactions, large surface area and to recrystallise on various surfaces (eg.copper grids, silica plates) can be used in applications, viz. ultrafiltration, vaccines, biosorption, immobilization and synthesis of Nanoparticles. This review focuses on the general properties, methods of isolation, characterization and applications of S layer proteins specially in synthesis of inorganic nanoparticles, as they give uniformly shaped and sized tailor-made nanoparticles when fixed on a inert surface (as uniform pores are present on their surfaces).
Mansura S. Mulani, D.R.Majumder
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