ISSN ONLINE(2278-8875) PRINT (2320-3765)
RF Transceiver Based Traffic Alert System for Automobiles
This paper is based on a project designed to ensure the safety of pedestrians and passengers during harsh driving conditions. It includes two different techniques to ensure the safety of vehicles and pedestrians. The heart of this project is the ATmega 16A microcontroller. It’s a low power 8-bit CMOS microcontroller based on AVR enhanced RISC architecture. The microcontroller takes in input from different sensors and adjusts the performance of the vehicle accordingly. The various techniques used in the system are traffic alert system and anti-collision system. The Traffic Alert System transmits traffic signals at required parts of the road. The RF transmitter fixed on roadsides emits RF signals corresponding to the sign boards. RF receiver in the vehicle receives this code and sends it to the microcontroller. Microcontroller then decodes the signals and displays the traffic signal in the LCD screen. The Anti- Collision Circuit warns the driver when the vehicle is dangerously close to other objects. An IR transmitter-receiver pair is used here. The IR LED emits IR rays which get reflected back after hitting the surrounding objects. These reflected rays are collected by the IR receiver which then sends it to the microcontroller. Microcontroller makes use of this intensity to calculate the distance to the object. It then warns the driver if the object is too close.
Sheela Joseph,Akhil S, Akhil K. Narayanankutty, Amalraj P.M.,Aleena Paul K.
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