ISSN: 2319-9865
Right Serous Cystadenoma with Left Brenner Tumour in a Post-Menopausal Female: A Rare Case of Bilateral Ovarian Tumour
Brenner tumors is a rare type of epithelial derived ovarian neoplasm with around 1-2% incidence. The vast majority of them are benign. Average age at presentation is 50 year and around 71% cases occur in females of > 40 years of age. These tumors may vary in size. Mostly these tumors are unilateral, however bilaterality of 9.8% has been also reported but most of the tumors are less than 2 cm and usually diagnosed as incidental finding. The most frequent occurrence has been observed with mucinous cystadenomas. Other associations with germinal inclusion cysts, simple cysts (Steven g), Struma ovarii, cystic teratomas, Stromal sarcomas & chocolate cyst ovary has also been reported. Though Brenner tumors have been commonly reported along with other epithelial tumours in the same ovary, however it was rare that brenner tumor associated with an epithelial tumor in contralateral ovary. In the present case report, Brenner tumour was associated with serous cystadenoma in contralateral ovary in a 78 year old post-menopausal woman and was observed incidentally.
Saeeda Wasim, and Sharique Ahmad
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