ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Robust and High-Secured Watermarking System Using Zernike Moments
Watermarking is an effective technology that solves many problems within a digitization project. A high capacity data entrenching scheme based on precise and fast framework for the computation of Zernike moments (ZMs) is proposed in this paper. The high capacity is achieved by maximizing data entrenching size and improving the hiding ratio after dipping the inaccuracies in the computation of ZMs. Furthermore, a concept of conditional quantization technique which enables to reduce the total number of ZMs needed to be modified during watermark embedding. Conditional quantization technique concept enhances the visual imperceptibility of the watermarked image and its robustness against various at tacks.
P Karthik, E.Sathiya Priya
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