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Research Article Open Access

Scope of Tourism: Indian Perspectives


This paper attempts to probe the scope of tourism in India, which can help in shaping our society. Tourism is considered as one sector that shall propel growth, contribute foreign exchange, enhance employability and result in community development. The most important dimension of tourism is the cultural exchange among various nationalities that visit the country and the cross cultural interface that shall pave way for universal peace and harmony. As on one hand tourism is seen as an economic option and on the other side the greater social and human effect There is vast scope tourism in India. The government should encourage private enterprises to promote tourism in in various less popular areas. For developing tourism in such areas, we need to understand the environment, demography, socioculture, economic and political background of any place for making it an attractive tourist spot. To develop a strategic marketing plan for tourism we have to understand the target customer their needs and wants and how to match it with our tourist spots’ infrastructure.

R. Sangeetha

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